Artist residency “Résidence virtuelle de création francophone: photographie et poésie” (Virtual Residency for French-speaking creators in Photography and Poetry) organized by Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec in collaboration with Rencontres internationales de la photographie en Gaspésie, Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse and Bureau international jeunesse.
Collaboration with Belgian poet and director Aurélien Dony (2021)
The intimate: what is played and undone, knotted and unknotted, there, inside you, somewhere between the ribs and the heart. It is what’s within that has not yet found the light of the word. That which seeks to form itself into the texture of a word, the framework of verse. That which is still spoken only in its own language, in its syncopated gibberish, its barbaric word, its forbidden din. Everything that, bellowed in its beefy tongue, sung in words from its surroundings, breaks the silence to feel a part of the world. Intimacy is to dig the well within yourself and to find there the water in which the whole world is reflected. Intimacy. Will we ever be able to name you? Intimacy also means to explore. So, the ineffable lives in the whispering of leaves. Moving forward. Seeking. Falling.
Victorine Alisse and Aurélien Dony